Monday, August 27, 2007

First post: an introduction of what is going to be here

coached sales professionals for the last 11 years.I've coached, in México, the U.S.A and in Canada:

  • sales people
  • sales managers
  • sales v.p.
  • small and medium business owners
  • CEOs
These people sell:

  • insurance
  • cosmetics
  • telecommunications
  • homes and buildings
  • cars
  • trucks
  • finance products and services
  • IT
  • manufactured products
  • travel services

...among other products and services.

My global clients have been:

  • Ford Motor Company
  • Yves Rocher
  • General Motors Company
  • Avantel (Banamex and MCI partnership)
  • Pepsico
  • Coca-Cola
  • New York Life
  • ING
  • Via Net Works
My Canadian Clients:
  • Sun Life
  • The Toronto Business Development Center
  • YMCA
  • Easy - Phone
  • DAPA

They sell for persons and for business.
The amount of their selling ranks from a $4 dollars product to a $150 million dollars service.
Their sales processes last from one hour to a minimum of six months.
Some sell to ladies, some sell to global corporations.
Some sell for global corporations some for a small business.

And the purpose of this blog is to publish some of the most extraordinary (my evaluation) sales conversations I had with them. My coaching is focused basically on how they sell (sellers) and how they move their sellers (sales managers).
My experience have proved to me that sometimes the help that the sales person needs is not only in the domain of sales or in the domain of how to close a deal or what strategy or tactic or technique he must follow in order to provoke action in one of the sales team member.
Sometimes, the sales person or the sales manager needs help at the personal domain. Sometimes a provocative question or a provocative statement can provoke more that a sales strategy.
That doesn't mean that I'm not an expert designing sales processes, models, strategies, techniques, tactics or arguments. I am. And I can customize them precisely in perfect correspondence to the situation my client is immersed in. It's lovely to work with a case.

The best phrases a client can tell me are:

  1. "I have a client that..." This means that we, the sales person and I, are going to design the precise strategy to close that sale.
  2. "I have a sales person that..." This means that we, the sales manager and I, are going to design the precise strategy to provoke movement
I have been a 'sales manager' for hundreds of sellers. And a sales VP for a lot of 'sales managers'. These clients hired me to act like those because their own sales managers or sales VP don´t coach them. That's a theme that I will aboard in another post.

What prepared and authorize me to offer sales coaching since 1996?
Well, direct action. A lot of reading. And some training.

Let me be precise:

Direct action:

  • coaching individually more than 500 clients in the last 11 years in my offices at Mexico City
  • coaching sales managers groups in the last 5 years
A lot, lot of reading:

  • sales: more than 100 books, from Joe Girard's "How to close every sale" to "The New Strategic Selling" by Stephen Heiman
  • psychology: more than 50 books. From Karl Jung to William O'Hanlon to Fritz Perls, Karl Whitaker, Joseph Campbell and Frank Farrelly
  • coaching (obviously): Ferdinand Fournies, Thomas Leonard, John Grinder, John Whitmore, Fernando Flores, Rafael Echeverria, among others
  • other themes/authors: Transformation: Ron Smothermon, Hypnosis: Jeffrey Zeig, Language: John Searle, Fernando Flores, John Grinder, Leadership: Margaret Wheatley
...among a lot lot others themes and authors
Some training:

  • Doing Business in Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Toronto, ON. 2007.
  • Transforming Belief Systems, Robert Dilts, London, England (2004).
  • Provocative Therapy, Frank Farrelly, Bournemouth, England (2004).
  • Hypnosis Seminar, Richard Bandler, London, England(2003).
  • European Coaching Conference, International Coaching Federation, Milan, Italy (2003).
  • The Landmark Forum, Chicago, Illinois, US, (2002).
  • Solution Selling, Solution Selling Partners, Cuernavaca, Morelos (2000)
  • Management Development Program, Southwestern Bell, Dallas, Texas, US (1995).
  • NLP Trainers Training, Richard Bandler, San Francisco, California, US (1992).
  • NLP Master Practitioner , Delozier Assocs, San Francisco, California, US (1990-1991)
  • Communication Course 1 and 2. Werner Erhard and Associates (Mexico, D.F. 1987-1988)

  • more than 50 articles about sales coaching published in business specialized magazines in México and at some sites at the internet
  • the book "Psicodinamica en las Ventas: Coaching para Vendedores Profesionales." (Sales Psicodynamics: Coaching for Sales Professionals", 2002. To be published in english soon.)
Oohh! And of course, received personal coaching.
I have had three personal coaches in the last 14 years and the 3 made a real difference in my life. And I am very, very grateful with the three of them. Thank you!

(to be continued with one of my first cases)

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