Thursday, February 27, 2014

"Can you tell me why they don't sell?" Part I

This is one of the best questions a sales manager can ask me. Why?

Because, it reveals all the dysfunction that exists in a sales organization. Also, if a sales manager is asking this question it means that she is not a leader. An essential feature of leadership is communication SO if a sales manager doesn't know why most of the sales people on her team is not selling, it means that she is not talking to them, something else is, but not her.

In this opportunity, I'm going to share the dialog that I had with a sales manager after she asked me if I knew why her sales reps weren't selling.

She's the sales manager (SM), works in beauty industry and I'm the coach (C).

Our conversation:

SM -"Can you tell me why they don't sell?"
C -"How many sales reps you have?"
SM -"10"
C -"How many of them have problems?"
SM -"7"
C - "Have you asked them?"
SM- "Yes, well... no. What I have asked them is that if they need anything. Normally reply that no, that they have everything or they start complaining and that's when I stop the conversation."
C -"Any other place where you try to talk to them besides the aisles?"
SM - "Well in the meetings but normally what I try to do is to 'motivate' them. I talk to them, play movies,  I give them prizes. That's what they tell me to do... our bosses. The problem is that I'm running out of themes. I don't know what else to say in the meetings and nothing happens. No change."
C -"Have you asked them, directly, why they don't sell, in an appropriate environment to have a conversation?"
SM - "Two or three times but again, they start complaining, blaming everything, from the product to me."
C - "OK, What can you do to know why they're not selling?"
SM - "Ask them... but, how? Yes, I can ask them but how?"
C -"OK, let me ask you this, in order to find out the info that you need  what type of conversation do you require to have?"
SM - "Well... (she pauses and imagine the conversation), first, it has to be in private. No interruptions, no noises, no other people. In my office. With enough time. If I don't give myself time, I'll feel pressured and will start pushing the meeting."
C - "Exactly, and what do you want to get out of those conversations?"
SM - "Information remember? Why they don't sell. The causes."
C - "OK so, do you mind telling me what are you going to say?"
SM - "Ask them, directly, why they are not selling."
C - "That's OK. Nothing more? With whom are you going to have these conversations?"
SM - "Well no, for now. I want to see how the conversation goes after I ask them. With all of them!"
C -"With whom are you going to start?"
C - She gives me a name. "And that's it?"
SM - "Well no. I think that's better to start with three and see what happens."
C -"OK, you are going to ask that question AND my suggestion is to ask and keep asking. There's no defense against questions."  I gave her two or three more questions to keep asking and to find out the causes of this situation.

After this conversation she talked to 3 sales reps, privately, in her office.
In our next session she told me what  happened.

Some highlights:
-she talked with 3 of them for more than 30 minutes each individually
-all of them thought that they were going to be fired
-she brought with her the numbers of each the sales rep
-she asked and asked and asked
-in one case, the mood shift from tension to a desire to meet again
-she avoided to get hooked with the complaints, excuses and negativity
-and yes, in two of them she find out the causes of their bad performance
-1 quit
-1 wanted to keep having private talks with her
-1 will think about what they talked, promised to do what was talked and not sure about this format... 'too personal, too close'

This is what she told me what happened:

SM  "-Main causes? Mostly fear and lack of training, sales techniques. I can say that they don't have any order. Very chaotic, messy. That blinds them. No follow up. Also, I perceived that all of them have forgotten what brought them here in the first place. They're like lost. No sense of direction. Of course they have goals but they have forgotten them."
C -"Then, what do you plan to do?"
SM -"What do you suggest?"
C -"Before suggesting, please tell me your thoughts while you were talking to them."
SM -"Well, I will talk to the rest. I learned a lot with these meetings. I met with these three reps and all the people at the office thought that they were going to get fired. One quit, no problem with that but... one of them told me that if he was going to be punished or fired. So, I want to talk to everybody and find more answers."
C -"And with these two?"
SM- "I will meet with them again. With one, I already have an appointment to meet next week, like a follow up. With the other, we need to talk again.  Maybe on a regular basis... click! (I saw her face, suddenly she saw the Light!") Like you and me! I'll coach them! You'll help me don't you?"
C -"Yes I will help you to coach them. Nothing more?"
SM -"I'll talk to all of them and from what l find l will see and will tell you. It looks that I'm finding my answers."
C - "Later you will find that it's like a battle. If you don't talk to them, something else will. And this 'something else' is one of the causes of their situation."

These conversations helped her to find out what was happening in her sales force. Why they were not selling.  Why they weren't arriving to their sales goals. Lack of selling skills, of following up the sales process.What she found took her sometime to solve it. Two more sellers quit and even though she found resistance, most of the sales reps that were required to have coaching sessions with her, had them. The mood in the organization shifted from one of resignation and negativity to one of ambition and most important, after doing this for more than 4 months, results started to get better. At the end of that year she meet her sales goals. So, coaching pays!

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